Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kohlberg Theory

Lawrence Kohlberg created the stages of moral development. In this theory explains that moral reasoning has six developmental stages.  Kohlberg theory was further grouped into three levels with two stages each. The first level is called the pre-conventional. The first stage of this level is obedience and learning how to avoid punishment and the second is the self-interest where the individual is motivated by moral judgment that satisfies his/her own needs. The second level is called the conventional level. The first stage is the avoidance of disapproval or rejection of others. The second stage is more focused on a need not to be criticized by authority. The final level is called post-conventional. The first stage is motivated by the respect of social order and laws.  The second stage is motivated by an individual’s conscience. It is said that you cannot regress in stages nor can you skip stages because each stage provides new perspective.

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