Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Freedom writers

My reaction on the movie freedom writers was very good. The movie taught me how different races act when they need to protect their self’s from gangs and other violent people. In this movie these students was giving a wonderful teacher that was able to help them see the light to a future. These students did not see their self graduating high school or even making it to the next age. The teacher change their whole prospective of the world. For example with the girl and how she felt that begin in a gang was the only way she will make it far and get respect from her father. I feel that was just bad parenting. The teacher gave every student a book and told them to write in to the book everyday what ever you feel like writing and they did. I feel that the writing really helped them over come there life problem. For example when something is wrong with a person they want to get it off their chest because when they keep it in the problem only hurt them more. This was a really good movie and I learned a lot.

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